Home Page: Updated Comprehensive Plan
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- Sep-07-2023 Ordinance No. 20-1 An Ordinance to Adopt an Amendm
- Sep-06-2023 Cover and Table of Contents
- Sep-05-2023 Section A Issues and Opportunities Element
- Sep-04-2023 Section B Housing Element
- Sep-03-2023 Section C Transportation Element
- Sep-02-2023 Section D Utilities and Community Facilities Eleme
- Sep-01-2023 Section E Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Reso
- Aug-31-2023 Section F Economic Development Element
- Aug-30-2023 Section G Inter-Governmental Cooperation Element
- Aug-29-2023 Land Use Map H-1 8-24-23
- Aug-29-2023 Section H Land Use Element
- Aug-28-2023 Section I Implementation Element
- Aug-27-2023 Appendix A1, Survey Results, Issues and Opportunit
- Aug-26-2023 Appendix A2, Cluster Visioning Results, Issues and
- Aug-25-2023 Appendix A3, Public Participation Plan, Issues and
- Aug-24-2023 Appendix B1, April 4, 2004 Land Use Committee Minu
- Aug-13-2023 Appendix E1, Natural Communities, Agricultural, Na
- Aug-12-2023 Appendix E2, T & E Species, Agricultural, Natural,
- Aug-11-2023 Appendix G1, Extraterritorial Zoning, Intergovernm
- Aug-10-2023 Appendix G2, Annexation, Intergovernmental Coopera
- Aug-09-2023 Maps - Section C Transportation Element
- Aug-08-2023 Maps - Section D Utilities and Community Facilitie
- Aug-06-2023 Maps - Section E Agricultural, Natural, and Cultur
- Aug-05-2023 Maps - Section G Inter-Governmental Cooperation El
- Aug-04-2023 Tables - Section C Transportation Element