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October 26, 2015 Plan Commission Meeting

Town of Dodgeville
Plan Commission Meeting
Monday, October 26th, 2015

The Town of Dodgeville Plan Commission met on Monday, October 26th, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Plan Commission Chairman Greg Jewell called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:02 P.M.

Plan Commission Committee members in attendance were: Greg Jewell, Robert Fitzsimmons, Steven Johnson and Curt Peterson. Absent was Ron Robson, Daryl Tresner and Kathi Cahill.

Others in attendance were: Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson and Larry Nelson.

Chairman Greg Jewell verified that proper notice of the meeting was posted on October 22nd, 2015 in accordance to WI Statutes 19.84 (3) at the Town Message Boards at Pleasant Ridge Store, Mueller Implement and the Town Office. Steven Johnson made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda. Curt Peterson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Steven Johnson made a motion to approve the August 31st, 2015 meeting minutes as submitted. Curt Peterson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Plan Commission with copies of the previous smart growth survey, the results of the survey and the October Director’s Report received by Iowa County Planning & Development. Commission, Chairman Greg Jewell and the Plan Commission members reviewed the following pages of Section H: H-1 – H-4. Kathi Cahill arrived during this discussion. The Plan Commission members indicated they would like to see the following changes made to this section: Page H-2 removal of Items #9, #10, #11, and #12; Page H-3 removal of Item’s #17 and 18 as well as the re-wording of Item #6 under Agriculture and Open Space Areas; Page H-4 Rewording if Item #9, Removal of the Note on Item #10 and the removal of Item E in the exceptions. The Plan Commission also indicated that they would like to further review Item #2 of the Land Use Policy and continue the discussion of the re-wording of Item #6 and #9. The Plan Commission indicated that they would continue their discussion on Section H at the next months Plan Commission meeting.

Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson reminded the Plan Commission members that the Plan Commission will meet on December 2nd, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Iowa County Courthouse for the Joint Public Hearing with the Iowa County Planning & Zoning Committee to consider changes to the Comprehensive Plan.

Steven Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Robert Fitzsimmons seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Olson, Clerk/Treasurer


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