Home PageMeeting Minutes

November 9, 2010 Sanitary District #1 & #3 Board of Commissioners

Town of Dodgeville
Sanitary District #1 & #3 Board of Commissioners
Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
*Immediately following the Regular Town Board Meeting*

1) Call to order. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:52 p.m.

Town Supervisors in attendance were David Thomas, David Gollon and Thomas Mueller. Absent was Charles Price. Also in attendance was Clerk Sara Olson

2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor David Thomas. Motion carried.

3) Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 7th, 2010. Thomas Mueller made a motion to approve the September 7th, 2010 minutes as submitted. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

4) Discussion & possible action re: Excessive Grease in Lift Station behind Sam & Maddies, Inc. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson had indicated to the Sanitary District Commissioners that there is excessive grease in the lift station behind Sam & Maddies. Thomas Mueller made a motion to have the building inspector pursue Sam & Maddies to verify their grease traps are being maintained and are up to commercial code. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

5) Discussion & possible action re: Payment of invoice for waterleak in Sanitary District #3 (D.A. Auto). Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson indicated that payment has not yet been received for the waterleak in Sanitary District #3. No action was taken.

6) Public Comment. None.

7) Adjournment. Thomas Mueller made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer


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