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May 26, 2015 Plan Commission Meeting
Town of Dodgeville
Plan Commission Meeting
Tuesday, May 26th, 2015
The Town of Dodgeville Plan Commission met on Tuesday, May 26th, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Plan Commission Chairman Greg Jewell called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Plan Commission Committee members in attendance were: Greg Jewell, Robert Fitzsimmons, Ron Robson, Kathi Cahill, Steven Johnson and Curt Peterson. Absent was Daryl Tresner.
Others in attendance were: Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson, Randy Weber, Mary Weber, Gerry Gilmore, James Gilmore, Rick Jensen, Leslie Jensen, Donna Menke, Bill Menke, Brenda Degenhardt, Ann Rydell, Dave Rule, DJ Dolphin, James Rule, Larry Nelson, Dustin Marklein, Kurt Rule, Warren Bohlman, Sharon Nicholas, Jeremy Martin, Tonya Martin, Steve Lanphear, Leo Wagner, Ryan Marr, John Fick, Jess Fick, Garrett Marr and Larry Bomkamp.
Chairman Greg Jewell verified that proper notice of the meeting was posted on May 12th, 2015 in accordance to WI Statutes 19.84 (3) at the Town Message Boards at Pleasant Ridge Store, Mueller Implement and the Town Office. Robert Fitzsimmons made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda. Kathi Cahill seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Curt Peterson made a motion to approve the April 14th, 2015 meeting minutes as submitted. Ron Robson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Robert Fitzsimmons made a motion to approve the April 20th, 2015 meeting minutes as submitted. Steven Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Robert Fitzsimmons made a motion to approve the April 27th meeting minutes as submitted. Ron Robson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Greg Jewell asked Larry Bomkamp for information in regards to the application to rezone approximately 3.00 acres more or less from A-1 Ag to AR-1 located in part of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 26, Town 6 North, Range 3 East located on Leffler Road. Larry Bomkamp had indicated that the Hellenbrand’s were looking to rezone approximately 3 acres in which he would be purchasing to build a home. Plan Commission Chair, Greg Jewell had indicated that the property is located in the designated Rural Residential area and the density standard wouldn’t apply to this application. Steve Johnson made a motion to recommend the approval of the rezoning application of approximately 3.00 acres more or less from A-1 Ag to AR-1 located in part of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 26, Town 6 North, Range 3 East located on Leffler Road. Ron Robson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Plan Commission Chair, Greg Jewell indicated that the Plan Commission members received 2 letters from residents in regards to conditions that could be placed on the quarry that would work towards a compromise. Plan Commission Chairman, Greg Jewell presented an aerial photo of the existing quarry and expansion area. Plan Commission members reviewed and discussed the following conditions that were in a letter that was signed by several members of the Green Leaf Subdivision: establish a setback of 325 feet from the south boundary of the current quarry, create an immediate barrier of an earthen berm of sufficient height to block viewing the quarry from any homes and plant 8’ tall (minimum) evergreens and require planting density and multiple rows to provide 90% visual blockage at time of planting and require such vegetative visual barrier be maintained in perpetuity, require 6 foot high chain link fence around entire quarry, stipulate that no asphalt plant or other industrial operation ever, stipulate that no commercial traffic associated with the quarry will EVER use Green Leaf Drive, restrict hours of operation to between 7 AM and 5 PM Monday thru Friday and institute this stipulation in perpetuity no matter who owns the quarry, and no lighting allowed outside hours of operation. Greg Jewell had also indicated that the letter talks about restricting the remainder land on the 40 acre parcel and going about 8 acres into the expansion area restricting development of the quarry to the south. Plan Commission Member, Steve Johnson had indicated that NR 812.08(4)(fm) which has to do with sitting a well had been changed to the setback of 500 feet from a well to a quarry versus 1200 feet.
Greg Jewell presented to the Plan Commission an aerial photo of Rule’s proposal in regards to setbacks. The Plan Commission discussed the adjoining property owner’s visibility of the quarry and expansion area. It was indicated that some of the Plan Commission members felt a 50 foot setback along the south of parcel 008-1077 was necessary to build a berm and block the vision and noise of the quarry from Clark’s, however Scott Godfrey had indicated that the conditions would apply to the parcels on the petition in which this parcel isn’t included in the petition. Plan Commission Chair, Greg Jewell had presented a contour map of the land near the expansion site. The Plan Commission members had also discussed the conditions that were brought forth with Rule’s to get their input on the conditions. The Plan Commission members had indicated that they felt some wording would need to be modified on a few of the conditions. Jessica Fick a Greenleaf Glen resident and other residents addressed the document that contained the conditions and talked about the key features including the allowance of 8 acres in the expansion area and the motivation behind the document. Plan Commission member, Curt Peterson addressed the Land Use Plan, page H-9 Existing and Potential Land Use Conflicts as well as Plan Amendments, page I-2. Bill Menke and Warren Bohlman highlighted areas in the Land Use Plan that currently prohibits the rezoning of the land. The Plan Commission members discussed the amendment process and had indicated that if they can come to an understanding to move forward with some type of expansion then they would have to deal with modifying the Land Use Plan and map prior to taking any official action on the rezoning request. It was indicated that there are other areas of the Land Use Plan that should possibly be amended in the process and everything should be looked at during the same time. The Plan Commission and Rule’s discussed the allotment of the size of the expansion area. The Greenleaf Glen residents again highlighted and emphasized 8 acres being the expansion area and the restricting of any further expansions of the quarry. Jim Rule indicated that he was not willing to give up his existing grandfathered quarry for an 8 acre expansion. The Plan Commission members had questions in regards to NR 812.08(4)(fm) and where 500 feet would be from any of the adjoining homeowner’s wells to see how much acreage would remain in the expansion area prior to moving forward. Plan Commission Chair, Greg Jewell had indicated that he would work with the county to obtain well locations or shoot the wells with GPS to figure out the 500 foot radius. The Plan Commission members requested this information be available as well as additional information in regards to NR 812.08(4)(fm) at the June 29th meeting.
The Town Plan Commission members reviewed Section E Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources Element and recommended the following changes: removal of the word Wyoming to be replaced with Dodgeville on Page E-5 Farming and Community Vision, updating of the Census Data in Figures E.1 & E.2 on page E-5, refine the wording in the first paragraph, fourth sentence on page E-12 to state the following: The Plan Commission shall require future subdivisions near an existing quarry to place a discloser agreement on deeds completed prior to Town approval, the adding of the following paragraph on page E-11 under geologic and soil resources: It is noted that Map E-12 does not include the underground mines, mine shafts, and surface mines and tailing piles from the lead and zinc mining that occurred in the Dodgeville area from the 820s to post World War II. While the landscape has healed over the last half-century, these mines are largely undocumented and require careful consideration in the development or redevelopment of parcels of land, the removal of sentences 1 through 4 and the adding of the following sentence on page E-10 under the topic of Rural Forest: From 2000 to 2014, the number of parcels in Managed Forest has increased from 189 (3,875.36 acres) to 331 (6,097.92 acres) with a comparable reduction in the forest lands which were on the property tax role. This has in turn caused an impact on recovery of the town’s expenses through the property tax., and the adding of the following paragraph on page E-10 under the topic of Rural Forest: It is the policy of the Town to keep town roads scenic but with a priority given to public safety. Town roads are maintained with a goal to prevent trees from blocking the view of the road by vehicle operators, prevent trees from hitting vehicles, or forcing vehicles to the center of the road to avoid hitting tree branches.
Steven Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Ron Robson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Olson, Clerk/Treasurer
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