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February 9, 2010 Regular Town Board Meeting

Town of Dodgeville
Town Board Meeting Minutes
February 9th, 2010
6:00 P.M.

1) Call to order. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M.

Town Supervisors in attendance were: David Gollon, Charles Price and David Thomas. Thomas Mueller was absent. Also in attendance was Clerk Sara Olson via speakerphone and Chess Adams.

2) Approval of Public Notice/Agenda. Supervisor, David Gollon made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda seconded by Supervisor, David Thomas. Motion carried.

David Thomas made a motion to suspend the agenda and move to Item #6, Discussion & possible action re: Driveway Variance Request by Chess Adams on James Road. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3) Discussion & possible action re: Driveway Variance Request by Chess Adams on James Road. Chess Adams presented the Board with information in regards to the previous driveway variance request and how he was unable to obtain an easement which makes the previous driveway variance void. He was requesting that the Town Board allow him a new driveway variance on an 850 foot driveway across his property to an alternative cabin site that could be reached by his existing legal easement to James Road. The new Driveway Variance request that was presented had all of the conditions of the first request with the exclusion of Chess Adams obtaining an easement. David Thomas made a motion to approve the new Driveway Variance request as submitted contingent upon a shared driveway agreement being drafted, signed by all necessary parties, and being recorded with the Iowa County Register of Deeds. David Gollon seconded the motion. Motion carried.

4) Approval of Meeting Minutes from December 17th, 2009 and January 5th, 2010. David Gollon made a motion to approve the December 17th, 2009 minutes as submitted. Curt Peterson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Charlie Price abstained from this motion due to he wasn’t present at the December 17th meeting. Charlie Price made a motion to approve the January 5th, 2010 minutes as submitted. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

5) Approval of Treasurer’s Report for General, Sanitary District #1, 2, 3 and Tax Collection Account. David Gollon made a motion to approve the Town of Dodgeville January 2010 Treasurer’s Report as submitted stating the following fund balances:

General Checking $ 34,649.49
Farmer’s Savings $ 7,477.70
M&I Tax Account $1,159,855.11
Local Government Investment Pool $ 6,929.51
M&I CD’s $ 100,091.81

Total Funds: $1,309,003.62
Township Funds: $ 321,647.12

David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

David Gollon made a motion to approve Sanitary Districts #1, 2, 3 Treasurer’s Report and Tax Collection Account as submitted stating the following fund balances:

Sanitary District #1 $15,319.16
Sanitary District #2 $ 4,009.15
Sanitary District #3 $ 8.17

David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

6) Bills to be approved. David Gollon made a motion to approve all the February Vouchers as submitted totaling $21,131.13. Charlie Price seconded the motion. Motion carried.

7) Discussion and possible action re: 2010 TRIP Project Update. Curt Peterson indicated to the Town Board that the Town is required to determine the vertical slope of Esch Hill for the 2010 TRIP Project to determine if the Town will have to apply for an exception to the Town Road standards due to the vertical slope along its’ route, which can’t be corrected due to terrain and cost-benefit relationship. David Gollon made a motion to approve hiring an engineer to determine the vertical slope of Esch Hill for the 2010 TRIP Project. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

8) Discussion re: Farmland Preservation Update. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board with a letter from Iowa County Planning & Development. The letter contained a draft of the Iowa County Planning & Zoning Committee Farmland Preservation Revision Process Timeline for the year 2010. This timeline can be viewed at the Town Hall or by contacting Iowa County Planning & Developing. No action taken.

9) Discussion & possible adoption re: Resolution 2010-266 Resolution to Oppose DOR County Assessment Proposal. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board with a draft of Resolution 2010-266 Resolution to Oppose DOR County Assessment Proposal. David Gollon made a motion to adopt Resolution 2010-266 Resolution to Oppose DOR County Assessment Proposal as presented. This Resolution will be forwarded to the legislators and the Wisconsin Town Association to express the Town of Dodgeville’s opposition. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. This Resolution can be viewed at the Town Hall or on the internet at www.townofdodgeville.com.

10) Discussion & possible action re: Ordinance Request from the Governor Dodge State Park for Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Use. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board with information received by the Department of Natural Resources on a request to create and adopt an ordinance to allow the use of Neighborhood Electric vehicles on town roads with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less within the boundaries of Governor Dodge State Park. Wisconsin State Parks is in the process of purchasing several NEVs and Governor Dodge has a chance to be one of the parks selected to have one of these vehicles according to Kathy Gruentzel, Park Superintendent. Charlie Price made a motion to approve the drafting of an Ordinance Relative to Neighborhood Electric Vehicles. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

11) Discussion & possible action re: Mower Tractor. Town Chair, Curt Peterson indicated to the Town Board that he has requested Mower Tractor quotes from several businesses that sell Mower Tractors. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson indicated that she hadn’t received all the quotes back at the time of this meeting. No action taken.

12) Discussion & possible action re: Towns Office Report. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson indicated to the Town Board that she will be returning on March 1, 2010 from her maternity leave and resume normal office hours. The Town Board had requested that the Clerk/Treasurer obtain a list of building permits issued by the county on a monthly basis due to there are instances when residents only need to obtain a permit at the county level and the Town is unaware if permits have been issued. No action taken.

13) Discussion & possible action re: Per Diem and Mileage Reimbursement. Town Supervisor, David Gollon indicated that he feels the Town of Dodgeville needs to create a policy in reference to Mileage Reimbursement to help decrease costs. The Town Board agreed that there is a need for a policy to be created outlining eligibility. The Town Board has requested that Clerk/Treasure Sara Olson obtain a copy of Iowa County’s Mileage Reimbursement policy. No action taken.

14) Discussion & possible action re: Audit Review. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson presented the Town Board with the final figures for 2009 after the audit was completed by Johnson & Block in January. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson also indicated that the audit was completed and went very well. No action taken.

15) Public Comment. Curt Peterson gave the Town Board a copy of a sheet indicating the mill rate for all municipalities in Iowa County that was given to him at a meeting he attended. No action taken.

16) Adjournment. David Gollon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 P.M. David Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara J. Olson, Clerk-Treasurer


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108 E Leffler St, Dodgeville, WI 53533-2114
Tel. 608-935-5808 | Fax 608-208-9170
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