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August 31, 2015 Plan Commission Meeting

Town of Dodgeville
Plan Commission Meeting
Monday, August 31st, 2015

The Town of Dodgeville Plan Commission met on Monday, August 31st, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Plan Commission Chairman Greg Jewell called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.

Plan Commission Committee members in attendance were: Greg Jewell, Robert Fitzsimmons, Daryl Tresner, Ron Robson, Steven Johnson and Curt Peterson. Absent was Kathi Cahill.

Others in attendance were: Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson, Larry Nelson, Michael Wilk, Juelle Leslie, Warren Bohlman, Ann Rydell and M. Resha Wyman.

Chairman Greg Jewell verified that proper notice of the meeting was posted on August 24th, 2015 in accordance to WI Statutes 19.84 (3) at the Town Message Boards at Pleasant Ridge Store, Mueller Implement and the Town Office. Steven Johnson made a motion to approve the public notice and agenda. Daryl Tresner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Curt Peterson made a motion to approve the July 27th, 2015 meeting minutes as submitted. Steven Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Greg Jewell asked Michael Wilk & Juelle Leslie for information in regards to the conditional use application for the purpose of increasing the animal units up to 7 animal units versus the existing 3 horse only animal units on 7.5 acres more or less located in part of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 28, Town 7 North, Range 3 East located at 4893 State Road 23. Juelle indicated the past history of the previous conditional use application when the previous owner requested horse only units. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson had read the motion from August 1999. Juelle had indicated that they were requesting up to 7 animal units as they were looking into potentially selling their property and didn’t want the animal units to be confined to horses only. Greg Jewell had indicated that the county ordinance states the following: Additional animal units may be requested provided the total number requested does not exceed twice the allowed total and evidence is submitted with the application stating the capability of the lot to support the intended animals. Greg indicated that the current acreage allows them 3 animal units so they would be only allowed up to 6 animal units per the county zoning ordinance. Steven Johnson asked the Wilk’s question in regards to if the land could sustain up to 6 animal units. The Wilk’s had indicated that the acreage is fenced and felt the acreage could sustain the animal units requested. Town Chairman, Curt Peterson had indicated that he is the closest neighbor to the Wilk’s and felt that the land should be able to sustain up to 6 animal units. Steven Johnson made a motion to recommend up to 6 animal units on 7.5 acres more or less located in part of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 28, Town 7 North, Range 3 East located at 4893 State Road 23 and currently being owned by Michael Wilk & Juelle Leslie. Ron Robson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson indicated the procedure that would need to be followed to amend the Township’s Comprehensive Plan. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson had indicated once the public hearing on the proposed revisions takes place the Plan Commission then takes action in the form of a recommendation to the Town Board and then the Board must act. Once done, the revisions move to the county for revision to the county plan as required, following the same format. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson had indicated that Scott Godfrey indicated that the Town Plan Commission and county committee could hold a joint public hearing, which has the advantages of minimizing the timeline, minimizing the notice costs, and puts all the stakeholders at one meeting to hear any public input; however he would first need to review the proposed revision so he can determine the necessary revisions to the county plan. The Plan Commission had indicated that they would be interested in holding the joint public hearing on the proposed revisions. The Plan Commission also had indicated that they are currently reviewing each element of the Comprehensive Plan and would be dealing with any possible revisions to the plan as the result of reviewing the plan at a different time as they are still working on this process.

Plan Commission, Chairman Greg Jewell had presented three suggested changes to the Comprehensive Plan in regards to Section H – Land Use Element to resolve the Rule situation. The suggested changes were as follows: Change the name of the current Rural Residential Area to Rural Development Area to match the Land Use Map, Add Section 9 to the Rural Development Area which states: Non-Metallic mining shall not be permitted in this category and change Land Use Map H-1 to include the Rule property with a note saying this Industrial area is for Parcel Numbers 0080950 and 008-0951 only. The Plan Commission had talked about the presented changes and indicated that they didn’t have any problems with the suggested revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. Steven Johnson made a motion to propose the following revisions at a public hearing: 1. Change the name of the current Rural Residential Area to Rural Development Area to match the Land Use Map. 2. Add Section #9 which reads as follows to the Rural Development Area: Non-metallic mining shall not be permitted in this category. 3. Change Land Use Map H-1 to include the Rule property with a note saying this Industrial area is for Parcel Numbers 008-0950 and 008-0951 only. Daryl Tresner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Plan Commission members had indicated that they would like to review the process and set up a time line for the completion of the reviewing of the Comprehensive Plan. Clerk/Treasurer Sara Olson had reminded the Planning Commission of potentially sending out a survey in the property tax bills as they had indicated in the past.

Steven Johnson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 p.m. Robert Fitzsimmons seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Olson, Clerk/Treasurer


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